Most pregnancies have a normal course under the usual conditions. But unfortunately for some mothers-to-be there are risk factors that can negatively influence the course of the pregnancy and in an extreme case even lead to a premature birth, which brings a high level of risks for the child’s health.

In spite of the fact that modern medicine is at a very high level and every year saves many premature babies, the number of premature  births is not dropping but is actually rising. Modern gynaecology fights for every day of the baby’s natural development in the mother’s body. And so the possibility to predict and avoid a premature birth has a fundamental significance.

In addition to other indicators that must be monitored, currently uterine activity is measured at a doctor’s surgery or in hospitals only briefly and at rest, with a gap of many days between measurements. This measurement is insufficient for ascertaining the long-term state of uterine activity. Using the PrenCare Home system it is possible to monitor, record and evaluate uterine activity (contractions) long term in connection with the regular movement of the mother-to-be, and to see if some activity represents a risk. This monitoring is simple, safe, with clear results, and it can be performed every day.

The PrenCare Home monitoring system is intended for monitoring the uterine activity of mothers-to-be in the second half of pregnancy. Thanks to PrenCare, mothers can monitor the state of contractions over the long term in relation to their daily activities and so get detailed information about the course of the pregnancy.

The system consists of a small portable device – tocograph – PrenCare, and application for smartphones. The small portable device monitors and records the activity of the uterus and movement activity. The smartphone app is clear and comfortable, it transfers data from the device for processing, and it also displays it clearly. Thanks to PrenCare Home it is possible to gain long-term data easily about your uterine activity, to identify high-risk activities and adjust your daily regime promptly or start essential treatment. Over time it is possible to observe the impact of changes in the movement regime and also the efficacy of medicines prescribed by the doctor for calming uterine activity.

The mobile tocograph is a small, light, easy-to-operate device in a safe cover that attaches directly to the stomach using an elasticated band. Instructions for attaching the device to the body and transfer of data from the device are given in the instructions for use which you get from the manufacturer’s internet pages.

A smartphone with internet access is essential for the use of the system. In the course of measuring, the PrenCare mobile tocograph records data only in an internal memory. Thanks to this safe technology there is no radiation or any impact whatsoever on the child. For preventative reasons the actual transfer of data for processing is permitted only after the device is removed from the body.

The mobile sensor monitors uterine activity and movement activity of the expectant mother and saves the data gained in its memory. The course of the uterine contractions is detected by a sensitive pressure sensor and is recorded in an internal memory along with the movement activity of the expectant mother.

The mobile sensor works on the principle of passive data recording. During the monitoring it does not transmit or radiate anything. The device is completely safe for the pregnant woman and the child, and it can be used long term. The device in direct contact with the patient is powered only from a low-voltage rechargeable battery. The actual transfer of the gained data only occurs after the device is removed from the body.